
There are so many different journals, presses, websites,
publishing houses, etc. that it can be overwhelming when you start looking to find a home for your writing.

On these pages you will find links to places that seek out Creative Nonfiction submissions.

Some tips:

  • Become familiar with the press before you submit.  Many times people submit pieces that are completely inappropriate for the flavor of a certain publication.  You can save yourself time and frustration if you research the styles of writing each place regularly publishes.
  • Follow submission guidelines to the letter. If the guidelines ask for a PDF of your work, do not send your writing to them in an attached word file.  Adhere to word count requirements, as well as formatting requests.  The less your piece stands out because of irritating non-compliance to submission guidelines, the more likely you are to get your piece into the hands of the right reader.
  • Make sure that your piece has been proof read before you send it!  It would be a shame to have something you’ve written rejected simply because the submission editor (or committee) was too distracted by improper grammar, poor spelling and inaccurate punctuation to be able to enjoy the content of your piece.

A second pair of eyes never hurt anyone!


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